Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mr. Stevens, I Presume?

What little free time I have these days has me spending most of it with Goof (I linked to her in the hopes that she'll use it as incentive to post something.) With the remainder, I've been getting flat tires fixed (twice), working at a new desk which everyone in the company can easily see, reading my book, watching Project Runway, and playing video games. Mind you, I can only devote, like, 32 seconds a day to each of those things, but I still find them enjoyable. Well, except the first two.

So... I promised a real post "soon." Thank God for ambiguous terms. "Soon" it shall be, and I think we'll just leave it at that. For now? A Youtube video that's given Goof and I hysterical fits of laughter for days. We're both Eddie Izzard fans, and someone took one of his stand-up bits and set it to cinema with Lego pieces. Don't laugh too hard, now. I'll see you shortly.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cake or Death?

10:26 AM  
Blogger GB (admin) said...

Just to be clear, this is not a game of who the fuck are you.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This gets funnier each time I watch it. Fuck it, I'll get a tray...classic.

10:25 PM  

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